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Lehigh Carbon Community College

How it Works

LCCC教科书+免去了获取课程材料的麻烦,因为费用已经包含在学费和杂费中. LCCC教科书+将为学生节省20%至60%的必修课程材料! 这使得每个注册的学生可以在上课的第一天或之前获得所有必需的材料. 一旦你选择了你的课程,你的课程列表将被发送到校园书店. The Campus Bookstore gets everything ready for you. 你所需要做的就是查看学校的电子邮件,了解如何访问本学期的课程材料.

How do I participate in this program?

While all students are automatically enrolled, you have the opportunity to opt-out or opt back in during the drop-add period. Students who would like to review the option to opt-out of the program, 请参阅标题为“该计划是必需的还是我可以选择退出该计划”的常见问题解答.”

How do I get my course materials?

一旦你注册了课程,书店就会为你准备好一切. 您将收到确认电子邮件,分享在Canvas中访问数字材料的详细信息. If you have physical materials, 当你可以领取这些材料时,校园商店会与你沟通. You will want to check your LCCC email frequently.

Program Benefits and Costs

What are the benefits to me?

There are many benefits to students, including:
• 20-60% lower than equivalent pricing for course materials.
• Digital platforms offer key features such as: highlighting, flash cards and note-sharing, leading to greater success in the course.

Will I save money?

Yes! 学生可以节省20% - 60%,这要归功于校园商店与出版合作伙伴的关系和批量购买力. 该计划还减少了学生在购买过程中的压力,并提供了一种轻松访问的方法, manage and use all course materials regardless of format or cost.


What type of materials will I receive?

Depending on your classes and the course materials your faculty requires, you may receive a combination of: digital course materials, printed textbooks, printed lab manual or workbooks. View the full book list.

What type of supplies are included in LCCC Textbooks+?

Certain required supplies are included, such as art kits, medical and nursing kits, and dissection kits. 当您的物品准备好领取时,您将收到一封电子邮件到您的LCCC电子邮件地址.

Calculators, protective goggles and glasses, yoga mats, and other small supplies are not included, 但仍然可以通过书店代金券和其他支付方式在实体店或网上购买.

How often are materials supplied?

Required materials are supplied at the beginning of each term. The materials will be accessible on or before the first day of class. Please continue to check your school email (from before the start of each term.

Can I have my printed learning materials shipped to me?

Yes. For printed materials, 当材料准备好领取时,您将收到一封电子邮件(请查看您的学校电子邮件地址). For an additional fee, you can choose to have materials shipped. You can pay for the shipping fee online on our website here.


Can I have my printed learning materials sent to Morgan or Donley Center?

Yes. For printed materials, 当材料准备好领取时,您将收到一封电子邮件(请查看您的学校电子邮件地址). 如果您希望将您的物品送到摩根或唐利中心在前台领取, please fill out this form.


Do I get to keep my materials at the end of each term?

Printed materials are yours to keep at the end of each term. 数字材料的访问时间至少为180天,根据所采用的材料和出版商的条款,可以使用更长的时间.

Can I choose if I want print or digital materials?

印刷或数字格式是根据上课前特定课程采用的材料确定的. As a student, if you have a preferred format (print or digital) for textbooks, 你应该首先咨询你的教授,或者查看LCCC教科书+页面采用PDF(如果有POST PDF),看看课程选择了什么格式.


如果你是一个学生与合格的残疾需要打印版本或其他住宿, please contact Disability Support Services at for more information.

只有教授认定为“必需”的材料才会包含在LCCC教科书+中. 所有“推荐”的材料都可以在LCCC书店单独购买. This does include any print upgrades that may be available for purchase.


Is LCCC Textbooks+ required, or can I opt-out of the program?

While all students are automatically enrolled in the program, 您可以选择退出,然后负责独立查找/购买您的材料. 如果您决定退出,并希望使用您的书店代金券在书店购买资料, please contact the bookstore. You must take action to opt-out of the program.

How do I opt-out/do I need to opt out each term?

All students are automatically included in LCCC Textbooks+; however, you may opt-out of the program during specified opt-out periods. 在每个学期开始时,您可以选择退出LCCC教科书+. To opt-out: Login to the Opt-Out Portal.

学生可以在首次注册学期/部分学期的截止日期之前选择退出课程级别的教科书+. 注册后续课程的新入学学生将自动收到一封“欢迎来到教科书+”的电子邮件,其中提供了课程的解释和选择退出的说明,如果你选择退出的话.

您需要在第一次访问选择退出门户时创建一个帐户. You will use your LCCC email address to create an account.

如果您之前已经选择了任何物理课程材料,并决定退出, you must return your physical materials to the campus store first. 您将无法选择退出,直到所有的物理材料已返回.


What are the opt-out dates for this academic year?

All students are automatically included in LCCC Textbooks+ however, students may opt-out of the program during the following opt-out periods.
Opt-out will vary by semester. You may opt-out as early as one to two weeks before classes begin, and you have until the 75% withdrawal date. View the Fall 2024 Opt-out Period for more information.


What if I opted-out by mistake or changed my mind?

If the opt-out period has not ended, you can opt back in by going to the opt-out portal and choosing “Opt-In”. 您可以通过点击LCCC提供的选择退出链接或通过查看LCCC电子邮件以获得选择退出门户的链接来登录选择退出门户.

Adding/Dropping/Incomplete Courses

What if I add or drop a course?

 Added courses: Within 24 hours of adding a course, 您将在您的LCCC电子邮件地址收到一封电子邮件,其中包含访问您的数字材料和/或直接提供到画布中的材料的详细信息. For printed materials, 您将收到一封电子邮件到您的LCCC电子邮件地址,让您知道新的打印材料何时准备好领取.
• Dropped courses: For courses dropped prior to the last day to drop/add/opt-out deadline, access to electronic or digital materials will be automatically disabled. Printed materials must be returned to the campus bookstore within three days of dropping the course. 如果你放弃了这门课,没有从书店买到任何实物资料, no further action is needed.


If that course includes printed material, that material is yours to keep. If that course includes digital material, the length of access is dependent on those specific materials. Please contact the LCCC Bookstore at for details.

I have questions that were not answered in these FAQs. Where can I get more information?

Any additional questions, please contact your campus store team at